Mia in her happy home!
We gave Brody a new name, he is known to the neighborhood kids as Beau (short for Lambeau, Phil is a huge Green Bay Packers fan) He was potty trained in about 6 days and is a quick learner. We've been exposing him to a ton of new things from bikes to getting ice cream to trips to petco to get his nails trimmed. He is very mild mannered for a puppy and loves everyone. Thank you again for the wonderful gift you have given us. The Webber's
I finally got our e-mail to work and thought I would send you a couple of pictures. Buddy is doing great and has settled in with us real good. He is really a good little guy, as you know he is pretty laid back and that suits us well. Hope all is well with you. Don and Karon
We love our new Pom! I renamed Stitch "Lily" and she is adjusting to that fine. Everyday she gets more comfortable. The other boys are great with her. It's like they knew each other their entire lives. She has enjoyed a chewy but has not shown interest in any of the other toys yet. She only cries & barks if I leave her alone outside. She enjoys hiding under the hostas in the backyard! She will love it here since we love her. The Nicholas
Riley is doing great!!! We love him to pieces. He's a sweet little boy and just turned 2 on saturday. I took him for a "spay day" at the Dapper Dog in Troy. I dont think he was thrilled, but he looked even more adorable than usual and smelled nice! I hope all is well with you. Christine
I wanted to write and tell you how great the girls are getting along! They run and play great with our neighbor dogs and play great one on one as well! We've been able to introduce some chew toys (we now have 2 of everything). She follows Hazel's lead with going out to potty and has only had one accident. She has become a very special part of our family! Thank you so much for what you do! We are so happy and grateful!
Christin, Dave, Hazel, and Zoey (used to be TIana)
Hi! We adopted Marley and wanted to update you on how she is doing. She's amazing, an absolute perfect fit for our family. She has had her stitches taken out, learned how to play tug of war, mastered stairs, potty trained, loves to cuddle and play with her sisters and loves a bath. Can't thank you enough!
Thought you would like an update on Maggie. She is fully house trained, a sock thief, and is learning commands. She now heels when on a leash and is learning to sit when I stop (her rear end is stubborn and doesnt obey). She has learned ot go up and down the scary stairs outside my apartment and is a pro at them now. :)
Willow in her new home. She is doing great and has really grown!
For those of you who knew Dakota and how long she waited for her forever home here are some pics!! She looks so happy and loved! Thank you again for adopting her! Dreams do come true :)
Carlos was one of our chihuahuas that was adopted a few months ago. He certainly looks spoiled and according to his new family he likes to sleep with all of his toys! Thank you again to the Stockwell's for giving him a great home!
Dawn and Fancy in their new home together!! These two are very lucky, spoiled little girls that have a wonderful home. Thank you to the DePriest's Family!!
Kobee's new family!
Bradley's new home. He even has a big brother!
Baby's new family!
We love pumpkin so much! Thank you for picking us to be her mommy and daddy! She loves running in the back yard and going for walks. Every night when I sit down to watch T.V. she lays in my lap and I rub and massage her as she falls asleep in my arms. We cannot THANK YOU enough for picking us. We love her soo much. You can come see her anytime!
The Russom Family
Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that Huck (now Guiness) is doing great! He is such a happy dog. I've attached a few pictures. He's such a great friend. We've done all sorts of things together; camping, hiking, swimming, dog friendly parties. He is a natural in the pool and loves going down the slide. Enjoy the pictures and thank you so much for all that you do that allows me and others like me to have a wonderful companion.
Michelle White
Kiya is doing great! We love her so much and so does everyone that meets her. She has really taken to my husband and does great with the kids. Thank you guys so much for everything that you have done for us!
The Bunch Family
Picture of Ziggys first week! WE LOVE HIM! He is really adapting well and we are so lucky to be his mommy and daddy!
We adopted Sugar back in December, and I just wanted to let you know how she is doing. She is a very hard headed little dog, but at the same time very loving. I think she has finally settled in. We had quite a time finding a dog food that she likes, but I think we have that problem solved. Of course she is always up for treats, but I make sure she doesnt get too many of those, after all we have to watch her girlish figure. She loves to run in the yard and play with her frisbee or ball, but what she really likes is to find a stick and play with that. She is also a good watch dog and hears things outside that we never would. She loves going for car rides and goes with us just about everyday. We had a DNA test run on her, just out of curiosity. Turns out she is Chow Chow, Lab, Collie, and Husky. She is a happy dog and we love her.
The Brewster's
We renamed Astro to Benny. He is doing really well. He is now used to going in his kennel. We have only had 3 accidents since we got him. He has learned how to fetch, bring and drop it for his toys outside. He seems to be really smart. Of course, we are working on the jumping, not so much outside, but inside (boy he can jump--right over my child gates)! and of course the teething. As long as we say 'ouch' he pretty much stops, but we also give him a toy right after to chew on. He gets along pretty well so far with Otto. They have their moments. They will take walks together, eat together, drink and kennel together. Benny can get playful at times, which Otto is not quite used to yet, but I can say to Benny "leave Otto along" and he will walk past him 90 % of the time. We will keep sending you updates!
The Berns